Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Homer Obsession

When my kids were younger, they always had this obsession stage on something --- Disney movies and sing-along, Spongebob and other Nickelodeon cartoons, etc. But after outgrowing those cute stuffs, they turned to a quirky, dysfunctional comedy---the Simpsons.

The head of the family, Homer, has been criticized as having a bad influence on children….but I think the absurdity of his reactions to every situation makes it a funny way to teach children how NOT to do it. You know, the old trick of reverse psychology? But this time with a touch of humor.

The kids were so fixated with the Simpsons that we have a reminder of their existence in almost every nook and cranny of our house. When you enter our living room, you see a complete cast of the Simpsons welcoming you…

A collection of action figures occupies the same space as the Hubby’s collection of original DVDs…

You see a big poster of the father and son in the kids’ bedroom…

In the master’s bedroom, some books and more action figures haunt us in our dreams…

Even our bathroom is not spared with Homer’s crass jokes…

We even named our pug Homer.

It isn’t that obvious that our family is in love with the Simpsons, huh?
Notice something in the picture?

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