Saturday, February 12, 2011

A-ha Moment

I have always hated my name…ever since. Maria Benilda. Who goes by that name but countryside lasses who are bashful and innocent and old-fashioned? Not that I have anything against countryside girls..but I have always thought my name was not ME. Until I reached that age when I couldn’t care less…forty-something…and I have accepted all the warts and scars and wrinkles and split ends I have been destined to have, and of course, the name I have been given —Maria.
This is a blog about my misadventures as a mom, an English as a Second Language teacher, and as a (TH) fashionista.
Read on as I maraud, plunder, pillage my life’s road to I don’t know where. A perfect A-ha! Moment…


  1. way to go!!! i so so love your blogs!!! ;)

    and btw, you're giving the name "maria" a makeover! ;)
