Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Confessions of a Shopaholic

According to a Dr. April Lane Benson, PhD, a psychologist who specializes in the treatment of compulsive buying disorder, these are the questions to answer to know if you have a shopping addiction. Answer yes to a few of these and it's a hint that you are a shopaholic. (

Frequency/ Intensity of Shopping   
  • Do you often go on buying binges?
  • Do you find yourself spending more time and/or money buying on the Internet, in catalogues, or on the shopping channels than you want to?
  • Does money burn a hole in your pocket?
  Reasons Why and When
  • Do you go shopping because you want to make yourself feel better?
  • Do you often buy things because you think they will make you more like your ideal image?
  • Do you sometimes feel that something inside of you pushes you to shop?
  • Do you shop to avoid doing something else in your life?
  Feelings Before, During and After 
  • Do you go on buying binges when you're lonely, anxious, disappointed, depressed, or angry?
  • Do you feel "high" when you go on a buying binge?
  • Do you feel anxious, guilty, or ashamed after you go on a buying binge?
  Impulsive/Compulsive/Addictive Aspects 
  • Do you buy things even though you don't need or can't afford them?
  • Do you ever feel on edge, agitated, or irritable when you haven't been able to buy something?
  • Have you tried to stop overshopping but been unable to?
  Financial Consequences 
  • Do you find yourself making more and more use of credit [acquiring more cards, increasing your credit limit, etc.?
  • Have any of your purchases ever resulted in problems with your bank or legal problems?
  • Do you worry about your spending habits but still go out and shop and spend money?
  Other Consequences 
  • Are your relationships with family and friends suffering because of your buying?
  • Has the craving to buy something ever caused you to miss a social engagement?
  • Has your job performance been suffering because of your buying?
  Denial, Avoidance and Shame 
  • Do you hide your purchases and shopping trips from family or friends?
  • Are you not opening your mail or answering your phone because you don't want to face the consequences of your buying?
  • Do you not know, or not want to admit, how much you shop?

MNG Dress/Topshop Wedges
I’m Bing Alvarez Cacnio, and yes, I’m a shopaholic.
But as my friend Osang would say,
“Teh, walang basagan ng trip!” Yun lang poh!

The bigger, the better!

Movie Review:  Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)

The Story: Rebecca Bloomwood has an obsession with shopping and it has been eating her finances away. When she found herself out-of-job, she became more desperate. Ironically, she landed herself a job writing for a financial magazine giving advice on money management. She almost lost her job, her best friend, and the man of her dreams because of her shopaholic condition.  

My Review:

The Daughter and I immensely enjoy this movie. I think we have seen this for two hundred times. Whenever we feel sad or bored, we put this in the DVD, and voila, all our cares disappear! Isla Fisher was endearingly clueless and blinded with her shopping obsession. Do we see ourselves in the main character? That’s for our psychiatrist to find out!

Reese Witherspoon turned down the role of Rebecca Bloomwood because it was too much like her "Elle Woods" role Witherspoon from Legally Blonde (2001).

Isla Fisher is only 14 years younger than Joan Cusack who plays her mother, Jane Bloomwood.

Movie Trailer:

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