Sunday, October 21, 2012

Keeping Up with the Jonases

To have a teenage daughter is a headache 'nuff. To have a teenage daughter infatuated with boy bands is even worse.

That said, the Hubby couldn't resist giving in to the plea of the Daughter to watch Kevin, Joe, and Nick perform at the Waterfront Hotel, Cebu. She even went home filching a tarpaulin of the concert announcement from one of the street posts while she was going home from school.
Hard evidence of a juvenile delinquent
But of course she had to go with someone, for she said she would look like a loser without anybody to share the moment with. And the BFF-I-thought-I-was-to-her volunteered to go too. "Eeew, nooooo, Mom!", was the reaction I got from her. Pfft, so I found out I'm just her best friend when it comes to shopping and secrets and Supernatural episodes. Watching concerts is not part of the job description. So, it was decided that since Paolo was going home for the sem break, he had to act as her date for the night.

"Aww, do I have to?" was the first reaction I got when I told him about the news. Knowing his Manang could be very persistent, he didn't really have a choice but to agree. Besides, there were already two tickets in the Daughter's hands, and she was smiling from ear to ear, so what kind of brother could say no to that?

So the concert night came. The Hubby and I drove them to the hotel, with the thought that after having dinner together there at the concert venue, we would have time to watch a movie, like Taken 2, or somethin'. 
Waiting for dinner and her date with Joe.

The lines were quite long--teens, tweens, moms and dads (yes even dads!), and brothers, and boyfriends. I just realized that there are so many kids who had the money to shell out for this thing. Or there are too many parents who are just too dumb to give in. We belong to the latter one, I know.
All the young people in Cebu in one place
Anyways, the concert was supposed to start at 8 p.m., and the queue started snaking an hour before that. You would know that the kids are already starting to get fidgety when every time a door of the ballroom opened, you could see them straining their necks to see if the Brothers were there on stage. If they had thought they caught a glimpse of their shadows, they would start screaming. And the others would follow suit. Aaah, to be young and hormonal!

When the Kids were finally in the concert hall, the doting parents weren't in the mood to sneak for a date anymore. We just went back to the restaurant at the lobby to wait it out until the concert ended. We saw other parents/gramps patiently doing the same thing, so somehow, we didn't feel too much like the losers that we were.
I can hear a thought bubble saying: Tell me why I'm here again? 
Two hours passed by, and we finally saw them coming out. Pao said he could still hear his ears ringing. Issa was grinning weirdly, as she blurted, "THE best concert ever!"

So the Love Bug was cured.

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