Saturday, April 2, 2011

Say Aahhh!

This is why I regret not taking up medicine, or dentistry for that matter. Because going to the doctor is a big inconvenience. First, you have to muster the courage to actually go to their clinics. Second, parking is usually a problem in hospitals. Third, you have to wait for a long time before it’s your turn. (Some (in)famous doctors’ waiting time is six hours or more!) And lastly, you have to pay up enormously.

Today, I brought the Kiddos to the dentist for our annual cleaning. So the first patient had 0, the second had 4, the third had 5, and I had 0. Cavities, that is. Last year was even terrible. I had to pay for a total of 18 cavity fillings. This was a big improvement.  (TMI, right?) So for my dentist friends, you can calculate in your head how much my teeth doctor racked up from me after just one hour of saying aahhh.

Then, we had to run to the Youngest’s dermatologist. The Hubby had been so alarmed already of his son’s state of acne that he reminded me almost every day to bring him to the derma. Thankfully, there wasn’t a  long line. We were 5th in the list when we arrived, so we just had to wait for an hour (only!). I also let the Second’s dandruff be examined (Teenager or not, having them is embarrassing!). The doctor’s fee was really not that much. A dermatologist’s medicine concoctions, however, were another matter. Another P3K flying off from my wallet.

I often think that my Kiddos are lucky that they have the chance to be given these kinds of maintenance. Growing up, we didn’t go to the doctor unless we were burning with fever, or our teeth needed to be extracted already (Toothache was hell!). So I pray that they appreciate this and take care of their hygiene more. Then I stop paying a lot.

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