Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Lot to be Thankful For

Japan’s pain is not yet over. Hundreds of aftershocks still rock their already traumatized psyche. Looming disasters still grip them in fear. The nation that was once a symbol of affluence in the region is now faced with hunger and want.The images left behind by nature’s wrath confounds them with where to start, what to do, how to continue with life.

Every start of the year, I compose a thank you letter for the year that was, and make a wish list of the year that will be. Because of what happened, I was compelled to dig it out from my journal and utter it here once more. I may not have a perfect life, but I have a lot to be thankful for just the same.
Thank you, dear Lord, for the wonderful year that passed by. You have poured your blessings in my cup, and I was filled to the brim.
Thank you for the gift of my family…For Tata who has always been a generous provider, a faithful husband, and a hands-on father. He is indeed our bulwark, our wall, our foundation…For Issa who has become the daughter I’ve prayed for—a responsible sister, a dutiful child, and best of all my BFF. She is indeed my refuge and listening ear….For Paolo who is slowly turning into his own man. He is a patient brother, a smart student, and a good friend to his peers. He is indeed our hope to success…For Carlo who has suddenly matured. He is a sweet brother, an intelligent student, and an endearing son. He is indeed our light to the future. Thank you also for my parents, my siblings, and my in-laws who have supported me every step of the way.
Thank you for the friends that I re-discovered. They make me reminisce the past years of my life—innocent, funny, bittersweet. Thank you for those friends I have just met. They make my life more meaningful and colourful. It's comforting to know that my old and new friends are there to love and accept me for who I am and who I have been.
Thank you for the jobs that provide for our needs. Thank you for the house that shelters us from the outside world. Thank you for my househelps who make our lives more convenient. Thank you for our cars that safely bring us to our destination. Thank you for the nice clothes that we wear. Thank you for our warm beds. Thank you for everything, Lord.

Let me keep my personal wish list to myself. In the grand scheme of things, they seem not important at the moment. I'm adding a special wish to my list though, this time for the whole world. I truly pray for peace and health and safety for the world this time.

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